
Welcome to Dungeon Imp: Your D&D Resource Center
Dungeon and Dragons Resources and Articles

Dungeon Imp is a Dungeon Master and Player character resource center. Providing images and ideas for your champaigns. Player character portraits, NPC’s and Maps. Drawings of monsters, wizards, castles, towns, realms and anything else I can get my hands on without copyright infringement! All of this is for use as you see fit in your fantasy worlds. Readers can easily sign up and become contributors as well. Post your characters for the fantasy world!

You will also find many interesting articles about fantasy roll playing and the fantasy mind.

Please feel free to contribute, share, use, or comment.

Here’s what’s in the works.

What’s available at DungeonImp?

Player Portrait Drawings

Non player characters.

Fantasy World Maps.

Please feel free to use this resources in your champaigns, but use is limited to personal usage and not in any form of business.

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